Terms of service
By adding BOXy to your server, you agree that you have read, understood and accept the Terms. You are also responsible for informing the members in your server about the Terms. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or adding BOXy to your server.
You are strictly prohibited to use BOXy against the ToS of discord or for illegal purposes. We are doing our best to prevent these activities, while trying to provide the best user experience as possible. If you find people or communities using BOXy against the ToS of discord or even for illegal activities, please contact us https://discord.gg/3RyERUDUGt .
Proprietary Rights
We own and retain all rights for public available data. We grant you the permission to use this available data for your own needs, but strictly disallow any commercial use. You therefore shall not sell, license or otherwise commercialize the data except if the permission was expressly granted to you.
BOXy is provided as-is. There are no guarantees that it will be available in the future, and its purpose or availability may be changed at any time.
User data including backups may be deleted at any time.
User data is non-transferable.
Access to all or specific features of BOXy may be revoked, for all or a specific user, at any time.
User Data
To operate BOXy we save some information of you, your server and the members. The bot does not save anything if you or your server administrators don't enable it.
Channel ID.
Role ID, permissions and assignments.
Server ID.
The bot deletes all data from the server for seven days after being kicked
Last updated